What to expect from your new home

Your new home will take some time to fully ‘settle in’, but there are some simple things you can do to help this process along.

  • Drying out
  • Your garden

Drying out

For the first year, your home will still be drying out so you may notice minor cracks appearing in walls, small gaps in joinery or the plaster skim coat coming away from nails.


These are perfectly normal and can easily be put right with ordinary filler and a lick of paint.

White deposits on internal walls are also a natural effect of drying out. These are natural salts that come out of the wall materials, and can be simply brushed or wiped away.

Any condensation should gradually disappear as your home dries out, but there are ways you can help:

· Heat your home evenly and consistently
· Open windows or trickle vents to allow trapped moisture to escape
· Cover pans when cooking and use the extractor fan to reduce steam
· Always use the extractor fan when bathing or taking a shower
· Avoid drying clothes indoors, especially on radiators
· Make sure your tumble dryer’s venting duct leads outside

Your garden

If you have a new lawn, it will need some TLC to keep it looking at its best. Try not to walk on it for the first four weeks, and avoid mowing until the ground feels firm. 


For its first trim, keep the mower blades at the highest setting.

TIP: Adding shrubs and trees can bring a garden to life, but make sure new trees and shrubs are planted away from the house to avoid damaging the foundations.